import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Search } from '@brainstormforce/starter-templates-components'; import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities'; import { useStateValue } from '../../../store/store'; import './style.scss'; import { setURLParmsValue } from '../../../utils/url-params'; import { useFilteredSites } from '..'; const SiteSearch = ( { setSiteData } ) => { const [ { siteSearchTerm, searchTerms, searchTermsWithCount, builder, siteType, stagingConnected, }, dispatch, ] = useStateValue(); const allFilteredSites = useFilteredSites(); const history = useNavigate(); const collectTerms = ( count ) => { const term = siteSearchTerm.toLowerCase(); const allTerms = searchTerms; const allTermsWithCount = searchTermsWithCount; // Skip blank words and words smaller than 3 characters. if ( '' === term || term.length < 3 ) { return; } if ( ! searchTerms.includes( term ) ) { allTerms.push( term ); allTermsWithCount.push( { term, count, } ); dispatch( { type: 'set', searchTerms: allTerms, searchTermsWithCount: allTermsWithCount, } ); } }; const ref = useRef(); const parentRef = useRef(); const handleScroll = ( event ) => { event.preventDefault(); if ( ref && parentRef ) { const header = document.querySelector( '.site-list-header' ); let topCross = 0; if ( header && header.clientHeight ) { topCross = header.clientHeight; } // Remove the search box height too. topCross = topCross - ref.current.clientHeight; // Check the search wrapper scrool top. const parentTop = parentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top || 0; if ( parentTop <= topCross ) { document.body.classList.add( 'st-search-box-fixed' ); } else { document.body.classList.remove( 'st-search-box-fixed' ); } } }; useEffect( () => { document .querySelector( '.step-content' ) ?.addEventListener( 'scroll', handleScroll ); return () => document .querySelector( '.step-content' ) ?.removeEventListener( 'scroll', handleScroll ); }, [] ); const onSearchKeyUp = ( event ) => { event.preventDefault(); const content = document.querySelector( '.st-templates-content' ); const top = content ? parseInt( content.getBoundingClientRect().top ) : 0; if ( top < 0 && 32 !== event.keyCode && 16 !== event.keyCode && 17 !== event.keyCode && 18 !== event.keyCode ) { const header = document.querySelector( '.site-list-header' ); const headerHeight = header ? parseInt( header.clientHeight ) : 0; document.querySelector( '.step-content' ).scrollTo( { behavior: 'smooth', left: 0, top: content.offsetTop - headerHeight - 20, } ); } }; return (
{ if ( ! siteSearchTerm ) { return; } setSiteData( { gridSkeleton: true, } ); } } onSearchResult={ ( response ) => { if ( ! siteSearchTerm ) { setSiteData( { gridSkeleton: false, } ); return; } const results = []; if ( response.success ) { if ( response.ids.length ) { for ( const id of response.ids ) { if ( allFilteredSites[ id ] ) { const selectedTemplate = allFilteredSites[ id ]; if ( selectedTemplate.related_ecommerce_template !== undefined && selectedTemplate.related_ecommerce_template !== '' && selectedTemplate.ecommerce_parent_template !== undefined && selectedTemplate.ecommerce_parent_template !== '' ) { // If ecommerce_parent_template is not empty, skip adding the site to allSites. continue; } results[ id ] = allFilteredSites[ id ]; } } } } collectTerms( Object.keys( results ).length ); setSiteData( { sites: results, gridSkeleton: false, } ); } } value={ decodeEntities( siteSearchTerm ) } placeholder={ __( 'Search for Starter Templates', 'astra-sites' ) } onSearch={ ( event, newSearchTerm ) => { const newSiteData = { gridSkeleton: true, }; if ( ! newSearchTerm ) { newSiteData.sites = allFilteredSites; } setSiteData( newSiteData ); dispatch( { type: 'set', siteSearchTerm: newSearchTerm, onMyFavorite: false, siteBusinessType: '', selectedMegaMenu: '', siteType: '', siteOrder: 'popular', } ); const urlParam = setURLParmsValue( 's', newSearchTerm ); history( `?${ urlParam }` ); } } onKeyUp={ onSearchKeyUp } />
); }; export default SiteSearch;